Change download preferences mac firefox
Change download preferences mac firefox


Rest assured: the people who will be most offended by this behavior are the people who supported your efforts from the very beginning. You're not the only fish in the sea, and I can very easily adapt to another program that does the same job, but doesn't treat its users like delicious marketing numbers to be manipulated and sold.

change download preferences mac firefox

Thing is, you don't have a captive audience here.


So, like so many other companies before it, uTorrent has apparently decided that it's time to start foisting this crap off onto their loyal users.


Yes, I should have been more aware when the installer threw a full page of text at me (the "agreement"), but it was late and I simply wasn't expecting this changed behavior from such a trusted program. It took me just a few minutes to figure out why I couldn't get my homepage settings to stick, but once I did, I knew EXACTLY who had introduced this malware (and make no mistake, that is EXACTLY what it is) to my machine. Meanwhile, uTorrent has resorted to trickery, relying on their users' trust and acquired expectations/habits to sneak this stupid hijacker past them during an "update".

change download preferences mac firefox

Looks like they've realized how far back they've managed to slide, and are willing to resort to any means to make themselves look better to potential buyers. Yahoo is floundering so hard because, just like AOL, they sat back on their collective butts, content with the number of legacy users they managed to gather back in their heyday, instead of trying to keep with the times and make themselves attractive to new users. I never used Yahoo because I don't need a "content provider" for my web searches. Now, you're partnering with a "search company" (HA!) that has resorted to underhanded shady tactics to boost their usage numbers. At least it was all unobtrusive enough, and safe to ignore if I didn't want it. I put up with the "app" nonsense when it was added, and even accepted the addition of the ad bar as a necessarily evil. I counted you alongside tools like Winamp or Notepad++ as "must-haves" during any new installation. You were a regular standby app on my systems because you did the job, and did it well.


After that, I might also recommend that you do what I did, and remove the application that had the temerity to introduce such underhanded software to your machine in the first place. Uninstall that useless piece of crap, then your browser settings changes will stay in-place. I just got the same thing after updating, and -very sneaky- I was presented with additional steps that hadn't been shown during previous updates, and I clicked through, only seeing "Accept this offer" at the last second as I clicked it. Look for an installed program/process called SearchProtect. Though I'm not a Mac user, I hope it's of some help: I registered just so I could reply to this, danielmak. Why is this happening and how do I permanently prevent it from happening. I re-set it to Google but whenever I re-start Firevox, Yahoo comes up as my home page. Thanks for the link to that pref pane, looks like a nice tool.I have been using Utorrent on my desktop and today installed the latest Mac stable version on my laptop but for some reason after this install, Firefox home page keeps reverting to Yahoo. Since the friend won't use Safari at all, Safari basically a really big preference pane for him now -0 Much like Safari and Mail (not a pref pane) controls the default apps for web and mail. At least I figured out that Safari is the controller of this location. Changing the download folder location in Firefox didn't help. The mystery of "Oopen with Choose." is determining where that file will end up after it's viewed within the file.Ī friend was opening word docs in Yahoo email and everything would end up on the desktop. It allows the user to open the file directly in an application without downloading to a folder first and forcing the user to find the folder and double-click the file to open it in an application. "Open with Choose." is there to save steps. I would be nice if Firefox was able to put all download files into the same folder. What I was trying to figure out is the way to control firefox (ie preference settings) that is transparent and consistent. I've seen the comment "What do you want FireFox to do at this point - Read your mind?" in other posts, and I don't believe it applies here at all.

Change download preferences mac firefox